As a state of 19.3 million, there's no doubt there are many varied opportunities to attend medical assistant schools in Florida. Preparing for a career in medical assistance can be fun, but it takes diligence to find the one that's right for you. You're in luck as there are several schools throughout the state that offer certification in medical assistance, which involves helping doctors and nurses manage their patients.
List of Medical Assisting School near Florida
[Cannot display listing: Invalid value specified for multidealer. ]Find Accredited Medical Assistant Schools in Florida
Finding an accredited medical assistant school here is not too hard, as evidenced by the fact that Florida employs more people in this line of work than all other states besides California. Therefore, practicing medical assistance in this state is ideal. Take advantage of the recent health care boom and start filling out those applications today.
Medical Assistant Certification in Florida
With more than 40 schools offering medical assistant programs in the state, many of them accredited, you won't have any problem selecting the one that meshes with your budget and career outlook. Research each school you consider to inquire about accreditation, cost, requirements, program length and on-the-job training opportunities.
Salaries for Certified and Registered Medical Assistants in Florida
With about 4,000 jobs opening up in this field alone on a yearly basis, there's no wonder why this state is a booming opportunity for advancement into this field. Coupled with Florida's skyrocketing growth, the medical assistant field is taking off in terms of job outlook and salary. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the mean hourly wage here is $14 on average, a bit higher than other states. For the best chance of lucrative jobs, head to Gainesville, which ranks in the top five metro areas of medical assistant jobs.
List of Medical Assistant Programs in Florida
With so many schools to choose from, it will take diligence to sort through all the schools you want to apply to. It's wise to apply to at least five to broaden your chances of acceptance. Medical assistant colleges in Florida include Anthem College in Orlando, Brown Mackie College in Miami, Everest Institute in Ft. Lauderdale, Virgina College in Fort Pierce, Broward College in Davie, Cambridge Institute of Allied Health & Technology in Altamonte Springs, South University in West Palm Beach, Career Institute of Florida in Holiday, Daytona State College in Daytona, Erwin Technical Center in Tampa, Hodges University in Naples, Kaplan Career Institute in Winter Park and Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology in Naples.
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